Written In Pen | Teen Ink

Written In Pen

July 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Written with love,
Upon a blank sheet.
Ink fills the paper,
Where the pen meets.
And upon this stark paper,
Shades of blue, shades of black,
Is where I am written,
And not taken back.
And whoever may read it,
Can't judge me again,
For I am just words,
Written in pen.
And on this blank page,
Is where my feelings will flow,
And where I stay hidden,
From people I know.
And after I'm dead,
I will always live on,
Through whoever reads this,
Although I am gone.
But until that time being,
My next goal is set,
To fill sheets of paper,
With love or regret.
And whoever may read it,
Will know it's the end,
When they see my name,
Written in pen.

The author's comments:
This was my first peice of poetry that I was going to read to all of the people who were important to me in life in a poetry reading being held downtown. Sitting there with this poem and the other poets, who were all separated by the large audience, I began to feel more and more nervous than I thought possible. By the time they called my name and motioned me to the stand, I was literarly beginning to hyperventilate with fear. It wasn't my first reading I had read at, but it was by far the most important. All of my teachers, family, and a few friends were there, not to mention a good part of the town I'm from. But when I got up there and began reading, all that fear began to diminish. At the end of it, with everyone applauding me, I realized that I was wrong; I wasn't written in pen, when it came to writing and having courage, I was the pen.

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