Saying Goodbye for the 30th Time | Teen Ink

Saying Goodbye for the 30th Time

July 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I know that you hate me,
But I don't hate you,
But I wish you could feel,
The pain you put me through,
The tears that I cried,
The wishes I've made,
The dreams that I've dreamt,
The prayers that I've prayed,
All of these months I've been so blind,
I tried to be there for you,
I've tried to be kind,
I blamed myself for my letters with no reply,
I just kept saying you're not that kind of guy,
Who would avoid after all I've done,
When in my mind, you were number one,
But now, I don't care,
If I see your eyes, mouth, ears, hair,
In fact, I hope I'll never see you again,
You liar, you idiot, you so-called friend,
It was not MY fault-not even once,
I wish you'd apologize for all you've done,
But those are words I'll never hear,
I'm tired of being lonely, gloomy, and drear,
So, with no respect, I bid you adieu,
I hope, once again, I'll never see you.

The author's comments:
This peice was written dealing with a friend who never talked to me yet I kept saying it was my fault. I hope he reads it.

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