Tears | Teen Ink


July 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Tears can fall,
But they never have the same reason...
They can be joyous,
Sad or,
Even lonely.
When they smile
And sparkle,
You can tell
That this person is happy....
When they take their time to drop
They are nothing,
But tears of loneliness.
But the worst tears ever,
Are the tears of pain.
They fall,
So filled of salt
Like a heartbreak
With each one that drops.

You can tell when one is happening,
But you can’t tell why.
The reasons are endless,
One book after another
Could be written,
But none would capture it,
The tears that fall,
Fall for reasons that no one will ever know why,
But one thing is for sure,
That the worst tears ever,
Are the tears of pain.

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