Men in Geen | Teen Ink

Men in Geen

July 19, 2008
By Anonymous

Remember those little green men you played with;
Those soldiers we’d make fight when we were young?
I remember playing for hours, not knowing what it was,
Now we know it wasn’t just pretend.
We see on T.V. the green men marching to war.
It’s like a life size game in our backyard,
Except, it isn’t a game.
These soldiers are real, fighting for our country,
Leaving families behind.
Those men are doing something I could never do,
They’re putting up a fight for people they don’t even know.
I watch the people clapping when someone comes back from war,
I see the proud soldier hug his wife,
And say I’d do it all again.
These are the real men in green.
I see the flags as I walk down the street,
Waving colors-red, white and blue,
And I remember the days I thought it was all just a game.

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