Pale Blue to Black | Teen Ink

Pale Blue to Black

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

She fell against your bright
skin like a pale picture
of imperfection;
her matted hair shimmering
against her lifeless eyes.

Her thin cheeks tainted by
her blush of torn
embarrassment; feeling
guilty, but innocent
as the blood tears at her pores.

The blade trickles over her
skin in torment;
teasing the breath as her
heart is accelerated in
painful bliss.

As the last kiss touched
her lips she felt the
love drain from your body;
her eyes turned against pale blue
to black; she wasn't wanted.

She found her comfort in
a swathing blanket of dark;
the blood is her closure and
the marks are her spark -
they bring to life her pain, her hate.

It all corners into her
mind as the love buried in
her soul is tainted by blood.
She never knew any other way
than the path you made.

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I saw a picture; the picture had a pale girl looking up, with black, black eyes and blood splattered all over her skin. I just felt something inside me call out to her and I wrote. Writing is everything to me.

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