As Life Passes By | Teen Ink

As Life Passes By

July 25, 2008
By Anonymous

As life passes by...

Things fall apart..

People Change..

There's a change in heart.

Where promises becomes lies & trust indefinitly dies...

Where dreams are shattered & hopes are lost...

Where the things you dislike the most are the obstacles you often come across...

When words are less spoken & eyes can no longer see.

The best of friends become strangers & the tears that fall are forever lost at sea.

Where 2nd chances are given but no longer is there a third.

Where everything goes to heart & all we feel is pain & hurt.

Where deceit becomes a friend & words no longer have their meaning, such as "forever"

Maybe it's just because good things fall apart, so better things can fall together.

The author's comments:
My name is Hana. I'm about to be a senior and I love writing poetry. I also like drawing although I'm not very good.

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