Bleeding | Teen Ink


May 29, 2008
By Anonymous

My thoughts turn decieving
as I realize i've been bleeding
Bleeding out my pain
like pouring rain
Holding onto nothing
Alone within this darkness
Alone within this mystery
Surrouned by misery
I try to hide
I try to keep everything locked inside
Away from the world
and their meaningless words
that make me feel lost
like everything is false
I know I must fall
and forget it all
Forget my hate
and give into fate
I can't fight this fight
I have to much fright
I take a stand
Correctand no one understands
I get up on my feet
I'm focred to amitt defeat
Why try?
If its pointless to fly?
Why not just give in

And accept that its my end
that I can't win
I've been bleeding
I haven't been breathing
Holding my breath
CorrectTil I know it can only end only in death
Til I know thats how this pain will end

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