Upon my mountain top crumbles down below | Teen Ink

Upon my mountain top crumbles down below

July 8, 2008
By Anonymous

If I could stand upon a mountain top so high,
above the rain, angel's tears, they cry,
and view below me a rainbow bright,
the promises broken, my fatal flight...
...and realize the love i gave away,
the ones i pushed and their steady graves,
that I dug stead-fast so deep,
for heaven's darkness here to weep.
Steady shall I peer upon,
the mess I made with no apron...
...and wish shall I, upon a star,
to correct my mistakes, be who YOU are.
But alas my love, I have failed,
the ships are gone, away they've sailed.
Upon an island ever so alone,
shall peer a heart and its broken home,
and wonder as i may from my pedistole,
of this fragile creature and it's broken soul,
I shall but keep a distance, and gently heal,
watch the mask begin to peel...
...If I could stand upon a mountain top, so high,
above the rain and tears I cried,
and stead-fast I dug their graves,
for when I fell so very far away...
...my love for you, stays just as fragile and strong, as the day we met,in the past so long...
...above the tears at which heaven cries,
a gentle word said, good-bye.

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