Always there | Teen Ink

Always there

July 30, 2008
By Anonymous

Have a bad day,
have a bad night.
Do you need a helping hand to say,
"hey thats alright."
Do you have that someone,
that someone who listens to you.
That person thats there in the mitst of the day-
or that person thats there in the dead of night.
Its the one thats there,
the one that will always care.
When your in trouble and need,
or at the time of your glory.
They're there,
with you always,
to support you and guide you in the right direction.
That reliable friend,
always there...!

The author's comments:
do you have that best frined or really good family member thats always there for you through the good and bad. That is what this is about and i hope this will conect with someone in your life.

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