Blue. | Teen Ink


May 24, 2012
By nimuengale GOLD, Carbondale, Illinois
nimuengale GOLD, Carbondale, Illinois
18 articles 0 photos 6 comments

Favorite Quote:

Wherefore is the sky blue?
If the heavens turn black
with all colors existent
Wherefore is the sky blue?

Could the sky choose her color
from emerald to maroon
amber to gray?
Wherefore did the sky choose blue?

Is blue the color of sadness
of love; of emotion; of old; of new
of tangible and fantasy?
Wherefore did the sky choose blue?

Or is it?
On the gardens of the planets without our moon,
is their sky amber or gray...
or is the sky blue?

Or when the heavens change,
when the sun unveils the moon
the sky is painted with crimson and lilac
or is the sky blue?

Wherefore is the sky blue?
But it's gray and crimson and lilac and maroon
if the sky is inconsistent and everchanging,
Wherefore is the sky blue?

The author's comments:
This poem is about the unspoken assumption that the sky is blue. Yes, the sky can be blue but what about during sunset or sunrise? The sky is no longer blue then. Or when it storms.

This can also be applied to stereotypes. The sky is never only blue and someone is never only one thing you apply them too.


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