***Now and Then*** | Teen Ink

***Now and Then***

July 29, 2008
By Anonymous

I use to hate, having to go to dance class,
But now I love going to learn and be with my friends!

I use to love going to math class with all of those numbers,
But now I dislike it, and love science, and doing science labs in class.

I use to watch my favorite T.V. shows, all the time,
But now I like to talk on the phone everyday!

I use to love to eat the round green peas, that would roll,
But now I hate those rolling green peas! : (

I use to get babysat, by my sister,
But now I babysit my sisters kids, whom I love very much!

I use to not like football, with people just throwing a ball,
But now I love watching them get touch downs.

I use to have little baby feet,
But now I have giant clown feet!

I use to eat gross, mashed up baby food,
But now I eat deliciouse, yummy, grown up food.

I use to have little, tiny baby teeth,
But now I have big white permanent teeth!

I use to be a short little toddler,
But now I am a tall teenaged girl.

I use to love adorable, fuzzy, warm cats and kittens,
But now I love fast, big, energetic, dogs and puppies.

I use to go to the little Elementary school,
But now I go to the big scary Middle school.

I use to sleep in a litte brown, Mickey Mouse crip,
But now I sleep in a big, colorfull, twin sized bed.

I use to read little 3 word, colorfull, picture books,
But now I read thick, long, scary, chapter books.

I use to scribble, outside the lines, of coloring books,
But now I color nicely inside the lines, and do free coloring.

I use to ride my bike with training wheels,
But now I ride my bike with 2 big wheels.

I use to be a glasses free girl,
But now I am a "4" eyed, glasses girl.

The author's comments:
This is kind of a stupid poem thing, but I guess it is just telling a little about my life right now the way that it is.

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