with senses with secret | Teen Ink

with senses with secret

July 30, 2008
By Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
Alyssa Lacis GOLD, Lincoln, North Dakota
12 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He looks so strong from the outside.
But inside a little boy cries.
He's not weak, he's just been through so much; its hard for his heart to hold up.

If eyes are windows to the soul.
His are biggest of all.When you look deep into them, you see the way; the way the world might have been.

His voice is a song.A joy to my heart.But I know inside he breaks.And the havoc my heart wreaks reminds me that I could help him, if only I would try.

His mind is so complex.Even I can't understand.What it goes through some days.

Now my only wish.Is that I could truly meet him. In that secret world of his.where he finds the safety to take off his mask.

forever is the complexity. Of this ever-wounding pain.Of watching him drown in misery.
a pool of misunderstanding.

someday.A promise.We'll finally take off our masks. We won't cry. Our chance to fly.

The author's comments:
A lot of the music I write is inspired by music. This particular piece was inspired by a favorite lead singer of mine. I think whatever you get out of this piece is perfect, because even though I wrote this; what right do I have to control what you think about it?

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This article has 1 comment.

Lauren P. said...
on Feb. 25 2009 at 12:35 am
This is my favorite!!

It really reminds me of a guy I know, it really does!