Addicted to him | Teen Ink

Addicted to him

July 30, 2008
By B3aTn!kBbY BRONZE, Porage, Indiana
B3aTn!kBbY BRONZE, Porage, Indiana
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

He takes over my thoughts, he takes over my dreams, Im addicted to him or so it seems. He's got problems, I got them too. With him i wonder if theres anyhting i would'nt do. Thoughts of him scare me, but I close my eyes to see, he's always there. He truly is all around me. Could we ever be together? Would we ever last? How would God look at me if we broke up? I'd have a sinners past. I hold tight to my dreams, though he's my extreme. Because Im addicted to him.

The author's comments:
THis is about a boy I almost gave my everything he wound up playing me and i kept wanting to go back to him i hope I can win this!!!!!! More so I hope u lovv it!

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