Paradox | Teen Ink


July 31, 2008
By StormPraiser91 SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
StormPraiser91 SILVER, Spartanburg, South Carolina
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Honey child. You need to build a bridge, on top of your head, and get over yourself!" -my best friend Andiel

Love is when you discover there is more to life to silence.
Love is when you discover there is more to existence than stillness.
Love is when you discover there is more to living than simply being.
Love is when your eyes are opened.

And yet...

Love is when you discover that silence is more powerful than words.
Love is when you discover the joy of stillness.
Love is when you discover that living yields no greater joy nor deeper peace than the moment when two become one at the simplest level of being, as breathing synchronizes and heartbeats converse in a tongue uncharted.
And as her cheek rests against yours, your eyes softly close.

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