Into the Darkness | Teen Ink

Into the Darkness

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Come my one, into the darkness
let terror reign across the land
Come my love, into the darkness
not alone but hand in hand

You are one of a kind
you feel that inside your soul
get lost inside your heart’s own darkness
slowly let it take control
Together we can feed this blackness
loving each other, as fine as hate
it could be a miracle
and it just might be our fate

Do not ask for reasoning
the who, the what, the selfish why
you will feel that call
If you can only give it a try.

Come my one, into the darkness
let terror reign across the land
Come my love, into the darkness
Never alone, hand in hand

The author's comments:
Into the Darkness was one of my first pieces of poetry, written in about the seventh grade. Since then I have revised it, maturing it with my skills.

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