I Guess | Teen Ink

I Guess

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Do you ever wonder if what you’re searching for
Isn’t really there?
I mean
If everyone believes that they are destined for greatness-
How can they be great if the
Less important people
Aren’t around to exclaim over the former’s achievements?
I guess
In order for someone to be great
There has to be someone who isn’t
But both have equal importance.
I guess.
And what if you’re searching for enlightenment?
But someone else discovers it.
Then what do you do?
Do you just sit around and wait for something to happen
Or try and steal enlightenment
Or do you search for something else just as important as enlightenment
Like love or friendship or something?
Or can two people both be enlightened about the same thing?
I guess
If you’ve got determination then you’ve got
A lot of options
For what to do with the rest of your life.
I guess.
And if you finally find whatever it is you’re looking for
How do you know?
Is there a feeling
Or a sudden click
Or a sign
Or something else?
Does your life feel complete?
Can life ever be complete?
Are human beings allowed to know any of this?
I guess
The wondering is what makes us all human
With similar questions about the future.
And maybe someday a person destined for greatness will be enlightened on the topic of completeness and turn around and share it with the rest of us…
I guess.

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