Smile When Your Alone | Teen Ink

Smile When Your Alone

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

Staring at a girl,
with tears in her eyes.
It looks like me,
but isnt who i am.
Same green dress,
same brown eyes,
but the girl i see,
isnt me.
She fakes a smile,
and tags along,
then she breaks down and cries,
when they're gone.
Cry little girl cry,
i'll cry with you,
No wait! I am you.
So i guess i'm crying alone tonight.
She locks herself in her room,
and grabs a pen.
She opens her heart,
and writes a song.
It's short but sweet,
sad but mellow,
and makes her smile by the final line.
"Smile when your alone."

The author's comments:
My inspiration for this poem came from myself and realizing that if you never smile when your alone, you'll never be satisfyed with your own happiness.

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