The Other Side | Teen Ink

The Other Side

July 31, 2008
By Anonymous

In a rush to get on with the teenage past times
“Hurry up! Lemme try!” I’ll say I did it [one time].
But in all the bliss, all the parties and friends,
Is a scared little girl, a victim of the trends.
She knows its wrong, knows it can mess with your head
But that’s why she does it, hoping she’ll find peace jaded.
She fears that day when she leaves high school behind
When she’ll have to leave all her memories on the other side.

On the other side of the line that divides
The strong and brave from the fragile lives.
A decent future from a far worse fate
Being on time from two hours late
High school from real life
Wasted nights from jaded lives
Senior memories from dropping out of school
Life with song from silence ‘cause “smoking's cool”
The other side of the line that changes who you are
Once you go over, there’s no telling if you’ll go far
Or crash and burn right on the spot
From your partying, drug use, owing cash or getting caught.

On the other side of the line that divides
The steady sun from the ever-changing tide
Best friends for life from fake friends for fun
Pulling all nighters from crashing at one
Fun loving people from the cautious or cowardly
A cold hearted witch from a girl with personality
The other side of the line that separates
Many first dates from the forever soul mate
Prom night magic from wedding night bliss
A girl robbed of innocence from true loves kiss.
Forgive and forget from petty fights
Modest town legend from your name in lights
Pain intent terrorists from cause believing martyrs
Bride’s bouquet of flowers from the stripper’s lacy garter.
Lies from trust, love from lust
Dreams from reality, pagan views from morality.
All of these things the same at the start
But the end result changed when you reveal what’s in your heart.

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