Memory of Love | Teen Ink

Memory of Love

June 18, 2008
By Anonymous

I’ve never taken you for granted
I never loved someone like you
You made me feel like no other
You were always on my mind

The thought of you still lingers
I wonder if I may have done something wrong
If I may have made a mistake
Your always on my mind

I wonder how what we had vanished
Seemingly into thin air
And how you could have done that to me
I wonder why your always on my mind

I wonder if it might had been something I said
Maybe something I did
But then I think
You shouldn’t be on my mind

After the whole situation
After what I went through
Crying for seemingly no reason
Your fading from my mind

I think I can go on
I think I can find another
I think I can love again
Your out of my mind

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