Changing with the Songs on the Radio Station | Teen Ink

Changing with the Songs on the Radio Station

August 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Changing with the songs on the radio station
The havoc we caused was broadcasted all across the nation
Reaching out for a hand to hold
Forgetting all that we were told

Trying to make a better tomorrow
Fearless smiles without any sorrow
Couldn't wait to shake the world
Electric guitar solos our hearts were sold

Rain falling on our faces
Letting go of missed chances
Nothing mattered cause we loved each other
Just waiting to hear the thunder

Staying up all night
Never giving in without a fight
Watching the sun come up from the shore
Feeling more alive than we've ever felt before

Saying it doesn't get any better than this
Never missing a chance to kiss
Wishing this summer would never end
Cause our hearts always need to mend

Changing with the songs on the radio station
The fun we shared was broadcasted all across the nation
Take my hand and hold on tight
Forget what we're told we'll turn out alright

The author's comments:
I love racing my dirt bike and I believe the meaning of life is to have fun and help out everyone you can ;)

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