Life and Death | Teen Ink

Life and Death

August 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Life, I think
Is something we know little of
These days. We wake up ritualize,
In and out. But is life
The simple contraction of the lungs?
A machine can control that. So what
Is life? I ask myself "What is life?"
Life I believe--is an essence. Life,
I believe
Is the knowledge of what we are and
Why we are--The effects of our actions
A result of that knowledge. Life is a
And a shout, and beauty and sadness,
All that lies within or without.
And Death, I can say
We don't know much about that, either.
We hold up a candle and we bury in the
Ground. But is death
The simple decay of a body?
All will pass away. So what
Is death?I ask myself,"What is death?"
Death, I presume-is an absence. Death,
I presume
Is the absence of all that is life and
The smell of a burnt candle and
The sun at the reddened edges of the
day and
A disappearance wigh no reunion
To the things that once were.
It seems to me that Life and Death are
Not comletely opposite as one would
No-they have one similarity-
Humankind seems to be afraid of
Both of Them.

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