Seasons of life | Teen Ink

Seasons of life

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Dogs barking..
wind whispering..
rain bouncing..
horns blaring..
sun blazing..
leaves falling..
sun setting..
moon arising..
stars twinkling..
waves crashing..
harbour lights..
long summer nights..
grey clouds..
thunder and lighning..
brother and sister fighting..
sunhats and shorts..
coats and boots..
short winter night..
northern lights..
daisys sleeping under the stars..
airplane flying through the dusty sky..
umbrella's and raincoats..
blooming flowers..
running wild and free through the fields of hay..
night after night, day after day..
t-shirt and flip-flops..
mini skirt and tight tops..
smiley face..
endless nights..
hot and bothered..
holiday flights..

The author's comments:
I was inspired to write this story of where i live, i sat outside and wrote down what i seen around me and it turned into a poem,i live in the countryside so it helped alot.

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