End of July | Teen Ink

End of July

August 3, 2008
By Anonymous

her body lies completely still,
and then her nerves receive a chill.
the adrenaline rushes to her heart,
and yet nothing seems to have been torn apart.
has God answered her desperate cry?
yes, for this marks the end of lonely July.

the mirror has never told her any lies,
as she glares into it with her bright blue eyes.
the confidence is back in her brilliant smile,
as she knows shes beaten this tremendous trial.
how did it end so damn fast?
truly, for now their love is in the past.

she has moved on once more,
now to show the world shes different than before.
from girl to woman thats no mistake,
for now her heart no longer aches.
howd she do it,
howd she become so strong?
well, shes been that way all along.

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