Perfectly Tainted | Teen Ink

Perfectly Tainted

August 3, 2008
By scarlettrose BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
scarlettrose BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I burn. I pine. I perish.

The imperfections of my life
Tattooed across my skin
With ink that is invisible
Like every buried sin

Regret and sorrow fill my soul
And beat and bruise and scar
Of things I cant take back
Of things that went too far

My heart is navagating
Everything in sight
At times taking wrong turns and stops
Causing another internal fight

I never claimed to be flawless
I make mistakes, I fall
From that pedestal you put me on
High above all

Over time
Little things accumilate
From a perfect picture
To a twisted fate

I know I'll fall
I'll crash and burn
And build myself up from scratch
That's the only way I'll learn

The author's comments:
Life doesn't always end up the way you want it to. And my life's been like that at many points. And I've been trying to be an image of perfection for too long. I'm not perfect and neither is life and all you can do is learn from every experience and just grow from it.

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