Why 2 | Teen Ink

Why 2

August 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Why so we kill?
And hope for peace

But want peace
Without murdering

Why do we murder?
But live with fear

When we told those closest
We were doing
What the law
Had demanded as wrong
But were doing
What the law enforcement
Didn't have the hearts to do

Why do we rape?
Hoping for love

From the innocent
Who are now terrified
Of whom you've become

Why do we molest?
Touching inappropriately

Watching the person
Being victimized
As they scream and cry

Why do we drink?
Letting it take over our life

Why do we get drunk?
Hoping it will diminish our pain

Making us feel worst
And injuring others

Why do we do drugs?
Pretending to be strong

When sooner or later
Our pain is detected

Why do we pray?
And hope for miracles

But want miracles
To fix
What we messed up

Why do we walk?
And hope for perfection

But turn perfection
Into stress

Why do we run?
And hope to fall

Not having the strength
To stand on our own again

Why do we talk?
But let our mouths

Take over
What we soon
Let to be war

Why is what I ask?
But are questions
No one seems to answer!

The author's comments:
Although I'm 16 going on 17, I have strong feelings about the world and I feel that I have a right to speak my mind! I love to write and hoping I'll be heard and people will see the talent I have!! I have big dreams and hope they come true!

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