Let Them Sleep | Teen Ink

Let Them Sleep

August 3, 2008
By Anonymous

What scenes present themselves in the form of dreams to a child?
Are they calming and neutral or ruthless and wild?
As lids close on eyes of blue,
The day's dirty deeds slip through
The swimming spirals
And twisted triangles of consciousness.
The shame and blame and persisting pain
Smooth over into a fanciful flight of thoughtlessness.
With red ribbon rainbows lacing a sky
Of twinkling yellow diamonds adorned high,
A cube, a prism, a sphere of light-
What wonders do the young ponder at night?
For in twenty, ten, five years this could all be gone,
So let them sleep...let them sleep long.
As they whisper a song of innocent lullabies that are never wrong...
Let them sleep long.

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