The Unfairy Tales of Goblins | Teen Ink

The Unfairy Tales of Goblins

August 3, 2008
By Anonymous

The goblins have their fairy tales, too
They whisper softly through the dark nights
Telling stories over flames of blue
Longing to give you terrible frights

They whisper softly through the dark nights
Songs that praise the dark woods and her witch
Longing to give you terrible frights
Until in withering pain you twitch

Songs that praise the black woods and her witch
They infest and burrow in your brain
Until in withering pain you twitch
As the wind's voice fades in freezing rain

They infest and burrow in your brain
Telling stories over flames of blue
As the wind's voice fades in freezing rain
The goblins have their fairy tales, too

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