My Love and I | Teen Ink

My Love and I

December 30, 2007
By Anonymous

love comes hungry to anyones hand.
Ifound the newborn sparrow next to
the tumbled nest on the grass.bravely

I looked in a garden and i found my love.
She glittered like an apple that was just
bore out frome it's tree.she told me to take
life as the leaves grows on a tree.

My love is black but yet beautiful.
she is like a lily among thorns.
Her feet are as white and soft as snow
but yet all she tells me is take life as
as the leaves grows on a tree.

A car knocked her down, her eyes of flame
cooled down as though she was crying.
At the cemetry, i throw down one fistful dirt,
a million microbe onto her coffin though I
never taught how letting her get burried.
so i killed myself.

Laid in the cemetry was my love and I
At last my love and i are togetther
in paradise drinking from the blue
spring that flows down the mountain,
while we watch our bodies being buried.

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