The Sound of Separation | Teen Ink

The Sound of Separation

January 8, 2008
By Anonymous

On Christmas Day, the sun laid down to rest
I sat cross-legged as the sounds of a trains “Choo Choo’s” surrounded me
My face gleamed like the Christmas tree only an arms length away
As I sat there a terrible sound shot from the dinning room
The sound of separation
My hands clenched on my knees in point-blank shock
My tears held back like the levies in New Orleans bound to break eventually
The noises drown out
My mind twirled like to the ceiling fan overhead
Why now, why today I ask myself
When the sounds come back I hear my cousin’s small voice saying sorry
Her face wrinkled trying to understand
I look down and let my eyes close
The levies have broken
“I’ll never understand why”.

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