Corruption | Teen Ink


June 12, 2008
By Anonymous

The strangers, laughing
The friends, hating

The intention was to take over the youth
To breed them to be killers
To hate
To shoot and march
To rip apart children
To burn and incinerate
To betray
To obey
To murder

You could smell it from miles away
You could feel it from your home
Yet you stood still
You did nothing
And yet,
You killed the innocent baby
You burned it
You broke their homes,
their minds, their lives
You stood still
You saw the fear in the childrens’ eyes
You smelled the stench of death
You stood still
You stood still

To keep from killing those that matter
To save the ones in need
To overthrow the oppressor

You indifferent tyrants
You ignorant traitor
You selfish fool
You arrogant pig
You don know why you obey
Why you let this happen
Why you don’t care
Why you are speechless

In awe of the master,
The children,
Standing in line, chanting
Heil Hitler
Heil Hitler
Heil Hitler
The crafty snake caused the destruction of Germany
The eloquence of the serpent has led you down the path of death

You do not know how horrible life will be if you eat the apple, Germany.
Yet, you ignore the warning
The mandate of heaven
Do Not Eat The Poisonous Apple
It is poisonous to not only you but the world, it will infect all, sparing none
And yet, you ignored the voice of the gods
And you crunched away

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