Raindrops on my Window Pane | Teen Ink

Raindrops on my Window Pane

June 20, 2008
By Anonymous

The echo of the clamor has me rise to my feet,

I tap on my pillow to clash with the steady beat.

The sun has been forgotten and the night has peeked through,

And I glaze out my window I search for you.

If in heaven you become a definite star into the immense sky,

Then tonight as I lay glazing at you I hope you understand why.

For the rain has not rested since you established your way,

So I lie on my bed and sing a song for my love to you I will portray.

If merely a beat to my song I begin,

I get chills from the rapid sweet clatter of the weeping wind.

Is this a indication that you hear as I do?

Can I reach out my arms? Can I lay with you?

Morning is pending near and I loathe to close my eyes,

Because I feel vacant and without when the sun begins to rise.

So I must say goodnight to the tears I have drained,

Yet they will remain beside of yours on the edge of my window pane.

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