Mother Nature and I | Teen Ink

Mother Nature and I

August 5, 2008
By Anonymous

Emotion dances throughout me,
Could it be possible that storms larger than any other occur in my mind and soul?
The rain is my tears, the strong gales, my inhale and exhale, gasping for air.
The aching in my stomach are the earthquakes threatening a breakdown.
The swirling leaves, are of course my thoughts.
Scattered all over the place, never knowing which way to go, always being dragged against their will.
The warmth from the sun is the memory of your smile.
Nostalgia rips through me, just as a tornadoe knocks over houses as if they are card towers.
The freezing winter air; my hands, clutching at this pen,
Placing ink on tree, something that proves that I'm still alive, underneath it all
The crispness of the air brings me back to reality, assuring me that this is the life I'm meant to live.
And the eye of the storm? The only calm part in my entire being. my heart.
The booming beating of the thunder over head is mimicking me.
The clashing startles me.
Of course, my heart knows best.

Mother nature is a living being, she is my twin.

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