Rain Drops | Teen Ink

Rain Drops

August 5, 2008
By Anonymous

A girl steps outside,
Its pouring down rain,
She looks up to the sky,
Grins a big grin,
And spins in circles.

Each raindrop hits her sillouette,
Clinging to each strand of hair,
Rolling down every inch of her face,
Soaking into her clothes,
Yet she still spins.

Her hair now soaking wet,
Still beautifully flowing,
Her face now dripping with water,
Still reflects her soul,
She still spins.

Her arms fly open as she still spins,
Taking in everything around her,
She spins on her tip toes,
Feeling like the queen of the world,
She still spins.

When the rain stops,
She walks back inside,
And waits patiently,
For the next time it rains,
So she can spin again!

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