Daddy | Teen Ink


August 7, 2008
By Anonymous

Do you think of me daddy? That's what I want to know.
As I sit at the window, mind blank like snow.
I see a father and kid playing, the way it should be.
Sometimes I wish it was you and me.
Do you think of me dad? That's what I wonder.
Am I in the back of your head as your thougths ponder?
Are you ever going to come around and see the things you missed?
Will you ever kiss my cheek, dad will I ever get that kiss?
Do you think of me daddy, do you think of me still?
This is your little girl screaming and yelling at the world.
Daddy will you reach out and turn out the light?
Will you please hold me if I am a fright?
Daddy will you put down the beer and tuck me into bed?
Will you lay with me and run your fingers through my head?
Daddy I love you and you're suppose to love me.
I don't think this is how it's suppose to be
Dad do you hear me? Do you hear me screaming now?
I hope you see just how much you've let me down.
Daddy these tears are bleeding from me.
I just want you to comfort me, this is not how it has to be.
Daddy, Daddy
Why don't you love me?

The author's comments:
This was wrote when I was about eleven my parents slit up and my dad didn't want anything to do with me. In the long run I relized it was his lose not mine. I think sometimes though it was for the best, because the things that hurt you is also what makes you stronger.

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