I Bet You Don't Know | Teen Ink

I Bet You Don't Know

August 8, 2008
By Anonymous

I bet you don't know that when I see you
the aftershock stings me for days
and, if I could, I would have stayed
drowning with you in the winter mist
all teary over your depressed sis
I bet you don't know that after him
my life was fast spiralling into gray
I was sure I'd never tingle in the same way
our bodies wrapped so lovingly tight
it was dark but we sparkled with light
I bet you don't know that when I cry
I always wish I have you nearby
so I can lie on your stomach like I used to,
while the world goes by without a clue
nobody understands tears lke you
I bet you don't know that you cured me
your love is what made me glow
what pushes my torn knee to grow
you lifted me up, emotionally and physically
to be fair, I want to do for you what you did for me
I bet you don't know I see you're upset
and I want to lift you up in the air
heal you, stroke you, kiss your hair
I bet you don't know that I still care.

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