Now or Never | Teen Ink

Now or Never

August 8, 2008
By Anonymous

Look at what you're faced
Figure out with time
to spare.
Boys, what to wear
what about your hair?
One little glitch
and it's all downhill.
You make a mistake
called a slut.
He makes a mistake
gets praised for getting
Come on guys, you know
it's true.
You walk around with
all that pride.
While we are slipping
into pain.
Girls, it's time to
stand up, time to break out
the shells.
Don't let the men
run over you.
Men, do you know
what we go through?
Yes, we're emotional,
we may be uncontrollable,
club hopping, whatever
we feel like doing.

But the truth is...
You were not made
to have power over
The truth is what
it is.
You have it easy
and it makes me
Ciara tells it like
it is in Like A Boy.

Time to break
It's now or never
now or never.

The author's comments:
i wrote this today finished at 4:32 i got the title watching disney channel watching a video of HSM3 but when i finished it it was completely different for what i was going for but i still think it has a message

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