On Going Away | Teen Ink

On Going Away

August 8, 2008
By Anonymous

The wind gently ruffles the leaves on the trees-
A breaking of the
Silence; a dash of hope.
Why must everything change so quickly?

Mother and Father talk in hushed tones
Thinking I cannot
Hear; thinking I do not know
But I understand perfectly.

Self-realization has come for me
A crushing birthday
Delivery; a door slammed while my back
was turned.
How will I handle the challenges ahead?

Everybody seems to be sidestepping the facts
There comes a
time; and opportunity to take a stand.
When things go wrong, and they will, you have to.

The world is a frightening place, but I must step into it
Courageous, strong
Brave, bold.
So why is the world held away from me?

I have questioned myself too many times
But no more questions; it's the time for statements.
I am no longer oblivious to the issue.

I'm going out to tell a story, to have my eyes opened
The world is changing; and I want to help transform it.
The door's locked behind me, but in front of me, the road is open.

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