Charos, Charos | Teen Ink

Charos, Charos

November 6, 2007
By Anonymous

Charos, Charos,
We seek a quest,
Dost ye harken to
The Call?

Our sail
Be o’er miles, Charos,
Until the end.

Oe’r rock and wave, Charos,
Though we have fought
Our weary way
Ere now.

Harken to The Calling.
Bring the lost, Charos,
To our lonely journey
‘Crost the River Okeanos.

It grieves me so,
To live nor die not
Once for thee.

Our duty sings, Charos,
Immortal we shall be,
But the Gods we are must pay the cost
To suffer immortality.

For The Call, The Call,
The lonely Call
I have heard it
Since The Fall,

It sings to thee,
It sings to me,
Curs’d or bless’d be we?

Three hundred men, Charos,
Three million
Desperate souls they be.
The Call, The Call, it pulls them all.

And bless’d and curs’d we Ferrymen be.

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