Unfound Adventures | Teen Ink

Unfound Adventures

November 26, 2007
By Anonymous

The light spins around the world, yet I stand in darkness uncontested.
The gods of summer have ridden from this fallen star,
Leaving me behind, alone and unprotected.

I yearn to leave this place of empty spaces,
To see the world’s deepest dark places,
To ride the Wild to the purple skies,
To see the sands where the black moon lies.

I wish to float like a leaf, on a river of thoughtless love,
To lie on my back, and smile at the endless face above.
I want to drink of the purest joy, and eat the greatest glory,
I want my heart to bleed as I write a never ending story.

I fall to my knees in the face of all I will never do,
But rise in joy when the clouds part to shine on you.
The world will melt, heated by hate and stolen chances,
While the untouched true are forever lost in sacred dances.

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