The World We Live In | Teen Ink

The World We Live In

December 6, 2007
By Anonymous

War, conflict, battle, and death
The endless cycle of warfare
The hate rather than love
The discrimination rather than acceptance
The madness rather than tranquility
The dull and dreariness rather than fervor and excitement
The discontentment rather than the gratification
The endless wants and desires rather than satisfaction
The greediness rather than generosity
The darkness of man’s heart
A dark tunnel that we must all traverse through
It’s a dark, sinister, and terrifying place
But we must go through
To the end, we must go through
To where there’s a bright, radiant light
A light that shines with no end
The light that we must obtain
The light of love and compassion
The light of good, not evil
The light that will create peace and order
The light that will bring happiness and glee
But to obtain that light, we must go through
Through the darkness of man’s heart

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