The Simplicity of... | Teen Ink

The Simplicity of...

February 19, 2008
By Anonymous

The slimplicity of
your voice calms me
to sleep, your love
I shall forever keep

I drink you up with all
my might

Eyes sore and heavy
from your beautiful sight

The stars cannot compete
for your beauty hold
no words to speak

Your thoughts are as
clear as day
screaming loud without a
word to say

If only these thoughts I think
come so easily to speak

But my love for you is
hidden, some say it should be forbbiden

It's so simple to me
how I can get lost
secretly loving you
without a cost

But in the days
that we part
my hidden love will
tear me apart

Because in the end, as you see,
my dreams of ''our love''
can never be...

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