Sword | Teen Ink


February 20, 2008
By Anonymous

A shield to your soul against harm I am,
A blade so fine that to touch me is to cut your hand,
But to you so soft like the skin of a lamb
Many foe’s has fallen before us
For as long as we are together no hair on you they can touch,
From two different worlds now bounded as one
I taught you and you learned
as if you were my son
They say that you’re dark
Heart cold as coal
,but I have seen your light out shining the sun
,and for that I will fight
till the battle is won.
So let the rivers flow red with the blood of the evil one’s.
But now time has come
and changed many of things.
I was like an angel to you before
Have I now lost my wings?
Maybe fallen from heaven
To a place of dark dwelling
So here I wait for you, still wishing,
Will you come back for me?
I just do not know…
A king with no crown!
A warrior with no sword!
I put my life in your hands!!
Don’t let me fall to the grown.
Open your eyes do now look around, look pass your bloodlust,
but even if I taste dust
you’ve made your choice
the one thing that I ask
please don’t forget my voice.

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