InkBlood | Teen Ink


August 11, 2008
By nuzzlemuzzle BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
nuzzlemuzzle BRONZE, Bedford, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Well behaved women rarely make history

words fly through my head
thoughts through my pen
i may be in love with paper
but all in all
ink runs through my veins

pigs might never fly
money will probably not grow on trees
the cow may not jump over the moon
but still
ink runs through my veins

i may not see an happy ending
i may not live a fairytale
i may not live to see a day of peace
but life continues and
ink runs through my veins

i may never know any glory
i may never know the truth
but life goes on and i am still a
and ink will always run through my veins

The author's comments:
I believe that writing of any kind is needed in life. I also beleive that ink runs in my veins for whenever I am feeling down or am slightly behind the world I turn to writing to help.

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