My Tears | Teen Ink

My Tears

August 11, 2008
By Anonymous

My tears fall for no reason but to cause me pain and misery,
But everyone walks by without taking a second look at me.
They all know that I cry with my eyes burning red,
Along with these thoughts I have wishing I were dead,
I am a helpless girl with a hopeless mind,
Running away and trying to hide,

My tears fall constantly as a dripping faucet,
As I lie here in the depths of my lonely closet.
All alone I must stay hidden,
My secrets, my past are forbidden.
They may not be said, spoken nor told,
My eyes remain icy cold.
Each waking minute causing me more pain,
But my unforgettable past still maintains.

My tears fall each as sharp as a knife,
Cutting through me, tearing up my life.
I lost it all now none of it matters,
I lie back and watch my dreams as they shatter.
My hopes, my faith, my bleeding heart,
All is being shredded and torn apart.
The rules of life continue to be twisted and bent,
As I lie in my closet awaiting the end.

The author's comments:
Our past is something that we can never change and can never forget. However we can learn from our past, grow from it, and continue on in our lives. I wrote this poem almost four years ago and I believe it's one of my best. Though the situation was horrible, I learned from it, grew from it, and now I am continueing on in my life.

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