When Does Ignore Lose Its Bliss? | Teen Ink

When Does Ignore Lose Its Bliss?

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

I know what you're doing -
I'm not as stupid and oblivious
As you think I am.
I may turn away
And act like there's nothing wrong;
Crack a smile,
Make a joke,
But that's only because
It hurts too much to look at you.
It's so much easer to deny,
Then to realize
The truth...
And you know that I'm not one
To make things harder than necessary.
To be happy in life,
You have to find some sort of comfort.
And I'm sorry to say,
That you were looking in the wrong place
And found it at the end
Of a plumbing system.
When you should have known
That the answer was right here -
With me,
Surrounded by my love.
I'll heal you with my voice,
And soothe you with my words.
The only problem is,
You don't want to stop.
So I'll crack another smile,
Make another joke,
Divert my gaze
From your withering exterior,
And welcome denial as a blindfold
Once again.

The author's comments:
This piece was inspired by a friend of mine that is suffereing from BED (Bing Eating Disorder). No one, at any weight, should submit themselves to such torture in hopes of achieving a body considered 'perfect', according to someone else's standards. Beauty isn't the same to everyone, and to someone, you're the most gorgeous thing they've ever set eyes on - you just have find them.

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