I Am Me | Teen Ink

I Am Me

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Why is this life so difficult
Maybe I'll never get what I want
Maybe I'll be stuck here forever
I'm just ready to go
My life has to have another chapter

I will succeed however long it takes
I will suffer the pain, and conquer my flame
Not today, but not in delay
Only in patience I may

I fear what is to come
Ready to see over the stone
I will not forget my name
or the family I claim
I can see through the deciet
Therefor I can defeat

I am me, and you will see
that is all I will ever be

The author's comments:
I am going to be a senior this year, and I wrote this piece one day in class when I realized a turning point in my life was coming soon, college. I wrote it mostly to remind myself of all the past events I have overcome in my life, the strength I have gained, the ability to understand life does not always go perfect, to have patience, and to always be myself. I figured this writing would help me remember to never give up, and remind me I have what it takes to succeed.

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