Youth | Teen Ink


August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

Sometimes we make jokes,
always laughing,
having the time of our lives,
we don't need to understand this world,
there's no need for that.

So let's have the time of our lives,
never caring, never wondering,
we live to have a good time,
nothing less,

We live our lives every day,
we don't need wasteful things,
like politics, they're so boring,
it just doesnt matter to us!

So let us live our lives,
always happy,
never caring,
always jumping.

It's okay to be scared,
we can make mistakes now,
not really caring about our bodies,
bragging, laughing,
it gets us through the day.

Just the fun of life,
the excitement,
the rush,
it keeps everything a suprise.

Just this once,
I'm living my life,
I'm living my life,
can't you see the joy in my face,
freeing so deeply.

That's what i long for in this,
everyday life,
everyday life,
so what will it be???

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