If I may... | Teen Ink

If I may...

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

If I may and If I might
Lets go off and start the flight
Trusting you and your insight
Holding you for your my light

Pondering, oh is this right
Gazing at you, what a sight
Like a star,you be so bright
As I'm held by you this night

All our memories, we must cite
As time passes, more to write
When I'm with you, Dreams bound tight
Neverending is our flight

The author's comments:
I wrote this when I first met my girlfriend and about how I felt about her. I've been writing for a couple of years and I have always considered it the best thing for enjoyment, relaxing, or expression. Expression is a key to individualism and I encourage everyone to embrace it and use it.

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