Winter Blues | Teen Ink

Winter Blues

August 12, 2008
By Anonymous

The weather seems bipolar, and so do my thoughts and feelings.
Warm weather slowly rises then quickly drops to its wintery bitterness.
I’m laughing and joking with my friends, nothing keeping me down.
But when I’m left alone in the silence, my mind drifts back to the depressing thoughts.
Sickness, death, loneliness.
Somehow play their role in my head of a different life.
A life I hope will never happen, but highly doubt it.
Some unfortunate events I know will happen, I just hope not too soon.
Other events I prayer will never occur, just always the same comfortable unchanged life.
But I can only pray for the best that Gods has in store.
So here I sit hands folded tightly, praying and believing.
Praying for others as well as myself.
And waiting for spring to come to bring me some warming hope

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