As the Tears Keep Rolling | Teen Ink

As the Tears Keep Rolling

August 14, 2008
By Anonymous

As the tears keep rolling
sadness feels your heart
As the year 2008 brings more pain than joy
As the tears keep rolling
As you hear about more and more people dying
not far like out of state where you feel for them but it doesnt mean a thing
No its close to your heart as in your family
As the tears keep rolling
gas prices go up
people struggling to make ends meet
and you keep asking god
whats wrong with our economy
or begging to god
please at leasl let me win the lottery
so I have money for my family
As the tears start to stop
as I try to look at the better things
like the 2008 olympics in Bejing
As the tears start to stop
you know that your family is in a better place
As the tears start to stop
you just keep praying to god
thanking him for everything
and knowing that he will come through
and help you
As the tears are no more
you live your life
appreciating the little things
cherishing your family
As the tears are no more
the words are no more
telling you to complete the poem
not with tears of sadness
but with tears of joy

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem based on my feelings.
To tell people to appreciate what they have
including their lives.

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